Providing a
20-20 Creative
Vision for Burton's
Goggle Brand.
Credits - Mark Wakeling, Hillary Van Hauer and the entire Anon team. Creative Direction and Photography by Toby Grubb. Brand work and Goggle Lens identity by Jodie Beechem. Managed and strategically lead by Maya Massad.
Anon was created in 2001. In the beginning, Burton's 'anonymous' brand was not a hollow promise, but products built on a platform of true innovation.
Anon evolved through an undying commitment to their cornerstone principles: premium materials, adaptive face fit, optical purity, and above all, function first. Their recent industry-changing designs: Magnatech and Wavecell are evidence of that fact. We felt this year was the perfect time to reflect on the brand's foundational roots. As they say, hindsight is 2020.

Anon is relentless in it’s pursuit of purposeful innovation. We named and branded their lens technology, Percieve, which removes chromatic aberrations, enhancing contrast and removing noise. Our art direction intended to do the same.

Reflecting the angles of Anon's existing logo, we created a mark that felt unique, while firmly planted in the brand's visual center.

The resulting brand platform echoes the brand’s core principles and exemplifies future aspirations. It guides their mission to enhance the on-mountain experience with products that provide elevated style and function.