Charting the Trails
For A New Tomorrow.
Credits - Sometimes we follow client work, other times we follow the people themselves. Our old pals from Specialized Chad Hilton and Dustin Ortiz. Creative and strategic leadership was provided internally by Adam Bagerski. Sean Gorant stepped up on his first major project with the studio and single-handedly ushered the brand into a new aesthetic—providing design, typographical, and written eloquence. Ash Hester kept the cats wrangled and the timelines intact. It was an all-hands effort on the brand as Denis Kegler, Toby Grubb, and Kevin Evans stepped in to assist.
In 2020, the world rediscovered its love of all things outdoors. And as one of the most recognized and sought-after brands in the industry, Fox Racing was poised to grow exponentially.
At this threshold, they saw an opportunity to evolve, bringing forth a more cohesive, unified identity, built on the fundamentals of sustainability, innovation, and excellence. It was our job to bring this vision to life by solving three major challenges:

While it has gone through many permutations over the years, Fox's identity has always sought to communicate the ethos they cleave to — a heightened sense of awareness, technical innovation, and passion for pursuit.

Through this refined evolution, the Fox word mark acts as our masthead and as a sibling to the labhead. Inspired by the angles and simplicity of that icon, this new iteration of our identity values utility and clarity above all.

Parallel to this refinement, the rest of the identity system was reimagined to embrace a more unified, forward looking visual style. One built around themes of functionality, clarity, and dynamism.
This new system weaves together elements of vibrant color, precise typography, and expressive graphic elements. In application, we cultivate an identity built on the principles of clarity, vibrancy, utility, and ambition.

Our goal was for Fox’s packaging to do more with less — to be simpler, stronger, and more sustainable without sacrificing a unique and consistent visual style. In crafting their broad set of guidelines and directives, we established key areas of focus based on their unique needs as a company.

Over years of undirected exploration and iteration, Fox’s packaging had become like the rest of the brand: fragmented, generic, and lacking any perspective. With the tracks in place for a more sustainable future, what was left for us was to reimagine the form it would take, from the simplest labels to the highest grade equipment.

We sought to imbue all packaging with the same themes of clarity, vibrancy, and utility. Our visual guidelines merge with our fundamentals of sustainability in packaging. Each one informs the other: a synthesis of these practices that creates a unique brand identity for Fox.

The success of Fox owes a great debt to its history. But the great thing about history is that every day we get to write a new chapter. Together we turned the page, bringing the whole body of Fox into the present and fashioned a foundation, defined by their values, to propel them into the future.