Guiding the
Future of Design
at Scale.
Credits - The Circular Design Guide was originally concepted by the Nike Global Sustainability Team. Account strategy, research, and interviews conducted by Jodi Glover-Thiel. UI design, development, and scans from the brilliant mind of Tyler McRobert. Creative direction and photography provided by Toby Grubb with input from the Nike Brand Team. Videos shot and edited by Austin Will and Jess Gibson. More work available upon request.
'Circularity in Design' is a system that makes the most of materials by using and reusing them at their highest potential.
Nike’s Circular Design project, inclusive of three key workstreams detailed in this case study, aims to be a guide for designers across disciplines and industries to create products that last longer and are designed with the end in mind. It explores 10 circular design principles, from waste avoidance to circular packaging. In part, circularity is helping Nike on its Move To Zero, Nike’s journey toward zero carbon and zero waste.
Our charge was to inspire and educate designers and makers to create with the end in mind. The project scope featured three key deliverables:
➊ Product-Creator Videos
➋ NikeCircularDesign.com
➌ Circularity Workbook

These ten principles consider a product's entire lifecycle. To explore these concepts and develop content for the deliverables, Nike arranged interviews with product-creators specialized in each principle, as well as students at the renowned design school, UAL:Central St.Martens in London. The result was a series of educational vignettes.
Each leading designer provided their favorite resources for further exploration and articulated best practices citing industry examples.

The design of NikeCircularDesign.com needed to reflect the same sense of optimistic urgency that Nike considers in its sustainability work.
We knew that traditional styling wouldn't suffice. Our design iterations and final executions reflect that sense of optimistic urgency.

As a companion to the website, we created a 108-page, 12 x 17" printed piece with screened inserts and a matching repurposed rubber band binding. 50 valued partners also received a Flyknit slipcase made by the Nike team at the Nike Product Creation Center from post-industrial waste.